Finma-Direktor 2024

24. Der Bundesrat hat heute die Wahl des FINMA-Verwaltungsrats genehmigt. Stefan Walter, 59 - j hrig, deutscher Staatsb rger ist Generaldirektor bei der Europ ischen Zentralbank EZB. Zuerst baute er dort die Bankenaufsicht f r die, 24. Der oberste UBS-Aufseher: Stefan Walter, ein Vertreter der EZB, soll die Finma aus ihrer Krise befreien. Der Verwaltungsrat der Finanzmarktaufsicht hat Stefan, 24. Mit Stefan Walter gewinne die Finma eine erfahrene F hrungspers nlichkeit mit fundierter internationaler Finanzmarkterfahrung in der Bankenaufsicht, heisst es in, 24. The European Central Bank’s director general of horizontal line supervision Stefan Walter will take over the reins at Finma April, according to January, 24. Stefan Walter wird ab neuer Direktor der Finma. Der Deutsche leitet derzeit die Horizontale Aufsicht bei der EZB. Er koordinierte weltweite, 24. The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA has appointed Stefan Walter as its new Chief Executive Officer. Walter will step into the role on, 24. Die Finanzmarktaufsicht Finma erh lt einen deutschen Chef. wird Stefan Walter, 59, die Nachfolge von Urban Angehrn 57 als Finma-Direktor, 27. The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA recognises the adjustments to self-regulation proposed by the banking sector for mortgage loans as a binding minimum standard. The changes are connected to the implementation of the final Basel III standards in Switzerland. FINMA will monitor the application of the new, 2. FINMA has appointed Markus Jaggi as Head of Communications He will report directly to FINMA’s CEO. He will succeed Tobias Lux, who held the role until the end of, and Vinzenz Mathys, who is currently leading this department on an interim basis. Markus Jaggi 55 was Head of Communications at, 25. Banque Audi Suisse SA breached its obligations in the prevention of money laundering and thereby seriously violated financial market law. This was established by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA in the context of enforcement proceedings. In the course of the proceedings, the bank has co-operated with FINMA, 31. Switzerland s financial regulator, FINMA, launched an investigation into the bank over its risk controls, Bloomberg reported in December. FINMA declined to comment on Wednesday. 1, 0. 22. These amendments will come into force, and necessitate a revision of the FINMA Insurance Supervision Ordinance ISO- FINMA as well as various FINMA circulars affecting the insurance sector. The amendments include the provisions concerning the Swiss Solvency Test SST, tied assets and technical provisions.2. Bern, Tel. 41 0 www. FINMA, of the licensing process and supervision for portfolio managers and trustees, plus new approach to thresholds for the commercial activity of 29. The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA has analysed how the largest banks and insurance companies disclose their climate-related financial risks for the first time in accordance with the FINMA disclosure circulars. FINMA has set out its key findings in this regard in guidance.24. Stefan Walter sar il nuovo Direttore della FINMA Egli va a sostituire Urban Angehrn, che si era dimesso dall’incarico a fine, e Birgit Rutishauser, che attualmente riveste la carica di Direttrice ad interim. Per l’occupazione del posto vacante, il Consiglio di amministrazione ha effettuato un’ampia.

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